Thursday, 19 June 2008

Message of Condolence from LECDA-USA


June 18th 2008

To the Family of

D.O. Felix Fonya Morfaw


It was with a great sense of loss when the Lebialem Community in USA heard of D.O. Felix Fonya’s gruesome death. It is with profound sorrow that we send you our condolences as we share in the loss of this courageous and dedicated individual. It may be difficult to recount the vibrancy and vitality of someone like D.O. Fonya. However reading the many condolences that have poured in from around the world on LECDA email forum, one will fairly describe our brother as respectful and loyal, caring and kind, with an infectious sense of humor. It is for this reason that we ask you to “refrain thy voice from weeping and thine eyes from tears; for thy work shall be rewarded and there is hope for thy future, saith the Lord.” (Jeremiah 31: 16-17)

As an officer of the law, D.O. Fonya’s normative orientation was toward promoting peace and insuring justice for all citizens through the enforcement of laws. There is no irony, then, in his decision to mediate a path for peaceful co-existence. As Martin Luther King, Jr. so eloquently expressed: “The enforcement of the law is itself a form of peaceful persuasion”. D.O. Fonya’s attempts to negotiate peaceful resolutions to potentially violent conflicts reflected the highly treasured culture of love and peace he received from Our Lady, Seat of Wisdom.

D.O.Fonya did not want to see anarchy erupt in a territory under his custody and he risked everything to prevent it. His last official mission on earth is an evidence of his choice of nonviolence in the hope that it would allow Cameroonians and Nigerians in the disputed territory to coexist

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