Friday, 17 October 2008
Scholarship For Teachers: Travel Abroad!!!!!
September 14, 2008
THE IATEFL AFRICA SCHOLARSHIP CARDIFF 2009 The purpose of this scholarship is to enable teachers or teacher trainers from African countries to participate in the IATEFL conference.
To qualify you must be• a practising teacher in primary or secondary education, or a teacher trainer, who has not previously attended the conference• someone who has not travelled outside Africa before• unable to finance such a trip from your own resources
You need NOT• be a member of IATEFL• submit a proposal for presentation at the conferenceThere will be two scholarships available for the Cardiff 2009 conference. The scholarship will provide a free conference registration and help towards accommodation, meals and travel expenses to a maximum of £2000.No one can be awarded the scholarship more than once.To be considered, please send• a summary curriculum vitae• a passport size photograph• a 500-word article on how attending the IATEFL conference will benefit you and your ESL/EFL community• a brief explanation of why you are applying for the scholarship
marked ‘IATEFL Africa Scholarship’ to the IATEFL office by Monday 22nd September 2008.
A decision will be made by the IATEFL Africa Scholarship Committee in consultation with the Scholarship Working Party in October 2008.
If you are awarded the scholarship you will be required to send a 250-word report for publication by IATEFL on your impressions of the conference. Deadline for report will be in June 2009.
Tuesday, 5 August 2008
Cameroon 2008 GCE A/L Results with Grades, contd
Regist.:25 Sat: 24 Passed: 11 Absent: 1 %Passed: 45.83 Sanctioned: 0
Results of Successful Candidates (in Order of Merit)
Passed in 3 Subjects: 3
Passed in 2 Subjects: 8
Cameroon 2008 GCE A/L Results with Grades
Regist.:27 Sat: 27 Passed: 21 Absent: 0 %Passed: 77.78 Sanctioned: 0
Results of Successful Candidates (in Order of Merit)
Passed in 4 Subjects: 4
Passed in 3 Subjects: 6
Passed in 2 Subjects: 11
June 2008 Advanced Level Results – Made available on the Internet by
Cameroon GCE Board 140
Sunday, 3 August 2008
Cameroon GCE 2008 O/L Results with Grades: Schools in Ndungated
[ The Cameroon GCE board has just released the results of the June 2008 GCE.
Find the results of schools in Ndungated, with grades here below] :
By: Amin George Forji
Tuesday, 29 July 2008
The real Story behind the construction of new Schools in Lebialem
Curled from Lebialem Portal [Ed. note] Education and Development: FuaNdem Nchoh’alah aka Fr Vincent Lockhart hands modern schools to Lebialem ( Save as .pdf ) | |||||
Lebialem division can now boast of some of the most modern schools constructed in the South West Province of Cameroon. This was a special mission of Scottish born Catholic clergy, Fr Vincent Lockhart during his less than one year recent stay in HRM Fon Asongna II of Foto confers title of FuaNdem to fr Vincent Fuankengacha-retired Catholic teacher cut the FuanNdem Nchoh 'alah also received the assistance of Catholic Aid for Overseas Development of England and Wales (CAFOD), to the tune of £10.000 approximately FCFA 9 million which was used in the construction of classrooms in Nkongle. The Scottish International Aid Fund also gave £10.000.
About the impact of his work this is what FuaNdem Nchoh'alah, writes "The impact of these new schools will be enormous in the lives of the children and because of that the people expressed their gratitude to the parishioners of St. Monica's, Kirkwood Credit Union and to all those friends who very generously contributed the funding for these projects." In a chat with the new Parish Priest of Saint John the Evangelist parish Fotabong, Fr Manfred Ejong Nokwe, he described the work of FuaNdem Ncoh'alah as wonderful. Veteran teacher Mr Ajong Nkangu Gabriel aka Nkemndem said he lacks words to describe that Focolare priest ad Fr Vincent in particular are doing for the people of Lebialem. Most of the schools constructed were in areas where previous buildings were seriously damaged by hurricane which hit Njenawung, Nkongle, Foto and some other areas in April 2007. In Nkongle for example, everything was destroyed. This had earlier been reported by LEBIALEMPORTAL in following the appeal of the then Catholic Education Secretary for Lebialem Area and current Principal of Seat of Wisdom College, Fr Darryl D'Souza.
Monday, 7 July 2008
Incredible Pictures of New Catholic school Ndungated
Enjoy! Amin George Forji]

This is the new school at Foto Ndungated which was inaugurated on the 29th May 2008. The funds for building the school and for bulldozing the field were provided from a number of sources - among which was from money given by St. Monica's, Coatbridge.
His Majesty, Fon Foto Asongna II
cuts the ribbon to formally open the new school at one of the entrance arches

The girl who is second from the left pinched her Mum's shoes for the occasion. (see picture above)
Procession to the school buildings.
The builder, Prince Julius Foto, is to the left of Fr. Vincent.(See photo above)
A total surprise for everyone, especially Fr. Vincent, was when the Fon took him into one of the classrooms and dressed him in royal robes. The Fon then announced that he was making Fr. Vincent a chief with the name FuaNdem which means: The Chief of God. (see photo above)
Thursday, 26 June 2008
Forji Amin George: " Simply Irreplaceable" !!!
Eulogy: DO Fonya Felix Morfaw---"Simply Irreplaceable"
Mr. Fonya Felix Morfaw was a man that nobody can ever replace, at least in my heart. I was just one year old when we both lost our father (Efuetanjoh Ambrose Morfaw-Forji). When he began his career as a Civil Administrator in 1990, one of the first things he did was take full custody of me.
He achieved a lot in his lifetime both in terms of career and personal development, and saw in my eyes the same dreams he had for himself, when he was my age, and so dearly wanted me to follow his footsteps. At every stage in my life, he recommended the way forward for me, which always paid off.
Today, I am a Doctoral student in International Law at the
He always found some time, despite his tight administrative schedules to be with his family and people he cared for. By and large, he knew when to be serious and when to crack a joke. He was such a kind man, clothing many when they had nothing to wear, giving many food when they were hungry, a place to sleep when they were wanting, …and above all, he taught many how to fish, including myself. He was a God-fearing man, and I am convinced that he has traveled to Heaven to meet our dad, brothers and sisters.
I am convinced that my brother left some things undone, some of which he did not even get the chance to start. I am committed to continuing what he has started and where he ended, and hopefully God will be with me, just as he was with him.Amin George Forji (c) (R)
June 2008
Cameroon: Fonya Felix Morfaw Laid to Rest
Cameroon: Fonya Felix Morfaw Laid to Rest
(coutsey of Cameroon Tribune &
| ||||||||||
Cameroon Tribune (Yaoundé)
23 June 2008
Posted to the web 23 June 2008
Nkendem Forbinake
An impressive crowd of mourners turned out at Ndungated to bury the late D.O. of Kombo Abedimo last Saturday.
What was left of the remains of Fonya Felix Morfaw, Divisional Officer of Kombo Abedimo, Bakassi Peninsula, assassinated last June 9 were buried in his native Ndungated last Saturday.
A capacity crowd, with mourners from virtually all corners of the Republic came to live this sad event live. Representing the government was the Governor of the South West Province, Louis Eyega Zanga, flanked by the special adviser in the Prime Minister's office Jacob Ketuma Lekunze, Lebialem MP Bernard Foju and all what Lebialem has in the topmost echelons of the administration in Yaounde: Prof. Leke Tambo (SG, MNSEC), Forzie Simon Nkem (IG, Minjustice) Fonkwe Joseph Fongang (Judge, Supreme Court) etc. Of special significance was the massive turnout of the administrative glitterati of the South West in their impressive navy-blue outfits, including Senior Divisional Officers, DOs and classmates at the National School of Administration and Magistracy, ENAM.
After conveying the message of deep compassion of the Head of State upon hearing of the brutal murder of his representative, Governor Eyeya Zanga set the record straight as if to dispel baseless accounts surrounding the death of the D.O. He painstakingly described the events of the fateful day of June 9. From the governor's account, it was learnt that D.O Fonya set out mid-morning from Akwa with eight military personnel comprising officers and men with the intention of visiting Mission Island where it was alleged that some undeclared arms were in circulation. As they approached the island, assembled residents of the Mission fishing settlement opened fire on the nine occupants of the navy vessel in which the party was sailing. Three military personnel succeeded in jumping overboard to safety. The six other persons in the vessel were killed on the spot. Their assailants then took their bodies along in the navy boat to an unknown destination. It was after eight days of a frantic search that the body of Divisional Officer Fonya and those of the other occupants were found in a mangrove swamp far off the attack scene.
The governor also revealed that residents of the fishing settlement all evacuated the area shortly after the killing incident and that investigations were still going on with regard to the motives of the killing and the evacuation of the island by its residents for an unknown destination.
Fonya's burial also provided a good occasion for some questioning. While his classmates at Our Lady Seat of Wisdom College Fontem (1971-1976) and those of ENAM (1987-1989) all acknowledged his trade-mark humour, franc-parler and efficiency at work, his family and Ndungated people seemed rather disturbed about the fact that in under seven months, two of theirs had been killed in the Bakassi area on government service (an army staff sergeant was among those killed on November 12, 2007 in Bakassi). Lawrence Njuzy aka Nkemasong, the current President of the Ndungated Cultural and Development Association deplored the bumpy career of Fonya. If he had been adequately rewarded for his rank and services to the nation, a senior administrative officer of his standing could not have been serving at a small locality as Kombo Abedimo, Njuzy argued.
But in his remarks, Governor Eyeya Zanga said no sacrifice could be so big for one's nation. And emphasising that he knew Fonya rather well, even in death, the assassinated D.O. would accept his condition. Mr Eyeya Zanga also called on Cameroonians civil servants to be ready to sacrifice their lives for their fatherland and stop believing that the pasture is always greener in the neighbour's courtyard.
Participants were thrown into generalized weeping when Fonya's widow Odilia bravely sang a goodbye song, composed by her, for the eternal repose of one she shared that last 18 years of her life; a life with Fonya she described as a continuous honeymoon.
South-West Governor Eyeya Zanga affixed the medal of "Knight of the National Order of Valour" on the coffin to posthumously acknowledge his meritorious services to the nation.
Under a drizzle, his classmates then carried the casket off the main courtyard of the Fon of Ndungatet into a waiting gendarmerie hearse. He was lowered into his final resting place one kilometre away at a plot he had recently acquired at "Alou-Three Corners" and on which he had intended to build a comfortable home.
Monday, 23 June 2008
Photos of DO Fonya's Funeral, Part I
Six Bakassi Dead Buried Without Decorations - Killers Remain Unknown |
By Innocent Timbong and Solomon Tembang | |
Monday, 23 June 2008 | |
The six Cameroonian patriots savagely assassinated in Bakassi recently were given military honours in Limbe last Friday 20 June, but with no posthumous decorations. The official funeral took place at the Manga Williams Avenue in Limbe. The non-decoration of the fallen Cameroonians raised eyebrows because the Commander of the Delta Force, Colonel Hypolite Ebaka and the SDO for Ndian Division Irénée Ngalim Ngong elevated the assassinated to the realm of virtual martyrs of the nation, with a litany of praises during the eulogies. “Those who die for the nation, their names are engrained in gold” according to Hypolite Ebaka. “Honour a child fallen in battle, Cameroon has lost a dynamic, competent high and extra-ordinary civil administrator” , Irénée Ngalim sang on the assassinated Bakassi DO, Felix Morfaw. The Ndian SDO recounted the circumstances of their death. He said on 9 June, late Felix Morfaw, the D.O. for Kombo Abedimo in the heart of Bakassi headed a special mission to investigate rumours of an impending attack on the Cameroonians in Akwa. The DO was accompanied by 8 military personnel. When they arrived at Mission Fishing Port, they were surprised by unidentified assailant who opened fire on them. The DO and five others were ruthlessly assassinated, while three officials whose identities, fate and whereabouts, have not yet been officially disclosed dived into the sea. The DO died alongside, Battalion Commander, Major Charles Mongou who had put in 24 years in service, Ajudant Chef Jean Paul Nzie, head of the Bakassi military intelligence unit who had put in 21 years in service, Ajudant Joseph Bassoklog, Gendarme Brigade Commander, Sergeant Chef Jean Obam Essiane and Eleve Gendarme Charles Nadyo Djiekombe, 24, who had put in only one year in service. They were killed, their bodies dumped in mangroves, their boat and ammunitions taken away, Irénée revealed. The bodies were only discovered nine days later. The final journey for the deceased began early in the Limbe Provincial Hospital Mortuary, where the corpses were removed and laid in state amidst top civil administrative and military brass, the coffin draped in national colours and adorned with wreaths from the Ministry of Defense. The funeral cortege proceeded to the Limbe Down Beach ceremonial grounds where they were given full military honours before departure for their different eternal routes. The ceremony was attended by the P.M.`s chief of cabinet Paul Meoto Njie, Jean Baptist Bokam, Secretary of State for Defence, and Emmanuel Edou, Minister Delegate at Ministry Of Territorial Administration and Decentralisation, MINATD, in Charge of Decentralisation and Collectives. The ceremony was also attended by South West Governor, Louis Eyeya Zanga, Fako SDO, Bernard Okalia Bilai, and the D.O. for Limbe Central, Peter Itoe Mbongo. Nigerian Hostility He said with the ultimate opening up and tarring of the roads in the region, security would be restored. He equally revealed that the killers remained unknown and prior to the shooting, many Nigerian inhabitants of the zone had surreptitiously moved out. No Reprisal Attacks On Nigerian Citizens Minister of Justice, Amodou Ali, said this at the 22nd session of the Cameroon-Nigeria Mixed Commission meeting organised by the National Boundary Commission in Abuja last Thursday, where he gave the assurance that the Cameroon government has taken measures to provide more security for the zone. According to Ali, three of the nine officers escaped and alerted the authorities who moved into the fishing village to intervene and found it deserted. He added that there was an improvement in the living conditions of the residents of the Bakassi peninsula which has improved significantly through the provision of facilities provided by the Cameroonian Army. UN Vows to End Boundary Dispute |
DO Fonya Felix buried at Ndungated
Hundreds of dignitaries representing the administration, the judiciary, forces of order, the clergy, and traditional authorities joined thousands of Lebialem sons and daughters to pay last tributes their fallen hero, Divisional Officer (D.O) Fonya Felix Morfaw in Ndungated on Friday (20th) and Saturday (21st) June 2008. The solemn ceremony, presided over by the Governor of the South West Province , representing the State of Cameroon culminated in the Posthumous Award of the Medal of National Knight of Valour to D.O. Fonya.
When the casket bearing the remains arrived the Ndungated palace arena on Friday at 9PM pandemonium broke loose as hundreds of mourners surged towards the canopy to get a first glimpse. Unlike other corpses, the casket remained sealed and all the profoundly affected parents, relatives, friends and well wishers could do was to grip the casket, sleep on it, wail, and lament and gnashing their teeth in anger. The wake keeping continued all night long in like manner with no personality or affected person wanting to keep his gaze out of the view of the casket-
The official burial ceremony began on Saturday at 9 AM with the arrival of the Governor, military honours and a Catholic mass service. Five eulogies were made: one from the family head, a second from the representative of the Ex-students of the School of Administration (ENAM), a third from Mr Anu Vincent F, the representative of the Ex-students of Seat of Wisdom College, Fontem, the fourth from the President of Ndungated Cultural and Development Organisation- Mr. Njuzy Lawrence Asong, and Mrs Fonya Odilia sadly concluded with a heartbreaking testimony of their “honeymoons” that left hundreds hobbling and weeping with her. These straight-to- the-point eulogies then gave the way for the statement from the State through the Governor of the South West Province . In it the governor regretted the loss of his close collaborator, especially the circumstances surrounding his death. He recounted the events from the fateful Monday 9th June to when the corpse was discovered eight days later. In attempt to carry out his exalting task of administering the people of Kombo Abedimo Subdivision in Mundemba Division, D.O. Fonya and seven other close collaborators moved into a fishing village only to be brutally attacked and killed. Three survived and five including Fonya died on the spot. Their bodies were taken to unknown destinations and it was after a thorough search that the bodies were found. This was “to dispel propagated rumours surrounding his death” and inviting the family not to heed to such rumours. He then ditched out a “warning to journalists who take upon themselves to sell falsehood”, concluding however that “he had forgiven them.” He assured the family of the readiness of the administration to be by them “at all times” and that the death of their son should be a way to strengthen their solidarity.
On behalf of the state the Governor posthumously honoured D.O. Fonya with a Medal of National Knight of Valour. Burial followed suit at the private residence of late Fonya Felix at the entrance to the famous “Three Corners, Ndungated”. Mourning rituals will continue throughout the week in total respect of the traditions and customs of Nweh.
AFUTENDEM Lucas in Menji.
Thursday, 19 June 2008
Forji Victor:You were the Ambassador of our great family
have been praying relentlessly with friends and well
wishers with the hopes of your safe return. I became
so saddened when the national news (CRTV) aired the
news declaring you dead. We all understand your love,
your devotion, your care, your dedication, your
service, and I do know you did all to save yourself
and your country; and although you didn't survive the
fight, you would be deeply remembered by us. I
remember your words to me at the airport when I was
emigrating to United States of America where I now
reside: as "the ambassador of our great family". I
didn't take that for just words but rather as an
inspiration and a dream to be fulfilled. You were one
of the only few who understood what I go through in
USA without necessarily being there. You were my
identity where ever I went. People that had never seen
or knew me used you to accord me that honour. I can
assure you I will be that ambassador you sought of me.
Though the vacuum of your absence will always be
there, I will learn to live with it until the Lord
invites me to reunite eternally with you and others.
Victor Forji
Mavis Tongwa: "Rest in Peace, Papa Felix"
In Remembrance of those glorious times!!!
D.O Morfaw Felix Fonya,was my father's good and trusted friend .To me from the day i can remember has always been Papa Felix.His death comes as a shock and a heartbreaking moment.I remember as a child going to his lectures at Enam with him.No matter how much i bugged him or the thousands of curious questions i had for him he always answered them.He was always there for me from my little graduations from nursery school till his passing.I will miss him dearly.I will miss his sense of humour,his ability to make you laugh even in the most awkward moments of life,his kind and generous nature.I extend my condolences to his entire family and pray that God gives all those who loved him the strength to go through this trying moment.Rest in peace,Papa felix.
Message of Condolence from LECDA-USA
June 18th 2008
To the Family of
D.O. Felix Fonya Morfaw
It was with a great sense of loss when the Lebialem Community in
As an officer of the law, D.O. Fonya’s normative orientation was toward promoting peace and insuring justice for all citizens through the enforcement of laws. There is no irony, then, in his decision to mediate a path for peaceful co-existence. As Martin Luther King, Jr. so eloquently expressed: “The enforcement of the law is itself a form of peaceful persuasion”. D.O. Fonya’s attempts to negotiate peaceful resolutions to potentially violent conflicts reflected the highly treasured culture of love and peace he received from Our Lady, Seat of Wisdom.
COMFORT TONGWA: " A Great Schock"!
The schock is great, The news was shocking & the loss is irreplaceable.
Is it true that "Pa Felix Our Lebialem DO" is no more?????
I Comfort Tongwa find it very difficult to believe and accept.
With tears in my eyes
And pain in my heart
I will always continue to pray for you.
It is really true that "good things never last"
You were too good, calm, gentle, duty conscious, understanding, loving and
caring to have been on earth for too long.
You made the difference in the lives of many children and adults.
My brother, The Almighty will reward you abundantly and the memories will
linger on for ever.
The thing you loved finally killed you. You loved your job and it finally ended
the way it happened and I say thank God for in any circumstances we give thanks
to the The All Mighty. He knows why.
"Pa Fe" as I always called you. In your absence, we stand abused. We
are now like a house devoid of its foundation.
I remember everything
How good you were to us
Taking care of your girls in the US "MAVIS & and BIG ATEM" until
they left to join their parents.
We sincerely miss you
Goodbye till we meet again.
Edward Tongwa & Family: "A JOURNEY TO HEAVEN"
The sun was shinning brightly on the planet earth and the seas calm in the Island of Bakassi on June, 9th, 2008 but the day could not compare with the brilliance that was in heaven where there was great excitement and preparations. Felix was expected momentarily, and the Lord wanted everything to be perfect for the arrival of his loyal and faithful servant. The pain inflicted to Felix by human was only to his flesh as his soul was immortal. aint Peter was busy polishing the giant gates of pearl; Gabriel was practicing some special music on his magnificent horn;and the Lord had summoned all of Felix's loved ones--Efuetanjoh, HRH Forji Sephen and Asaba Joseph who had gone before him to make up the welcoming party. It was an awesome gathering of saints to greet Feli, as he entered God's realm. Felix was smiling broadly as he approached the heavenly gates, full of anticipation, for God's angels had made the trip with him and had prepared him for that magnificent entry. Felix entered self-assured, whole at peace,unafraid, and yes,certainly happy, for this was the most joyous experience he had ever had. The Lord Jesus came forward,enveloping Felix in his big , loving arms and said, "You know i hadpromised that in my Father's house are many mansions, come, and I will show you the place I have prepared for you,Felix ". Felix was overjoyed, but he told the Lord he was concerned about his wife,mother,loved ones, family,friends in Akwaya/Bangem/Muyuka/Bakassi/California, neighbors, and waterfront pls that he had left behind. Jesus said, "Now , this is something you are not to be concerned with, Felix, my son,because I have also made them this promise: " Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted:They that sow in tears shall reap in joy" Felix was indeed comforted with the Lord's Blesses Assurance, and knew indeed that he would be content to dwell in the House of the Lord forever. Felix could hardly wait until it was his turn to greet the next loved one who entered the Kingdom of heav en.
Felix, we will miss you dearly, your charisma, charm, loving attitude and above all the caring for your family. Mavis; Eunice; Emilia and Edward Tongwa love you , but the Lord loved you more. Rest in peace until we meet to part no more.
California, USA.
Eulogies, Attention!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I on behalf of the family want to express our sincere thanks for your prayers.
I am editing, vetting and reviewing all of them for publication on the site. Because of the immense number, it will take hours before they start featuring online.
Please, be patient.
Forji Amin George
Sunday, 15 June 2008
Biography of Fonya Felix Morfaw

(c) Forji Victor
Photo: DO Fonya Felix Morfaw, with President Paul Biya
Fonya Felix Morfaw was born on 16 February 1960,to a large
family of 13 brothers and 12 sisters. His father, Pa
Morfaw Ambrose Efuetanjoh who was an outstanding elite
of Ndungated Fondom became coronated with the title of
Chief Forji in 1978. This explains why most of mr
Fonya's juniors bear Forji instead of Morfaw.
Mr Fonya Felix Morfaw valued education and took his
studies very important. He attended Seat of Wisdom
College Fontem, CCAST Kumba, and graduated from Younde
University. He passed both the entrance exams into 'Higher
Ecole Normale' (Yaounde) and the prestigious National School of Administration and Magistracy (ENAM-Yaounde) in 1987 but chose the latter upon consideration. Upon graduation, mr Fonya was posted to the Governor's Office in Buea. A year later, he was
appointed to serve as legal and financial adviser to
the Governor's Office in Bertoua, where Achu Morfaw
also served as governor at the time.
During that time, he met with several top government
representatives including the head of State, Paul
Biya. At the same time, he met several appearance and
interviews to CRTV. He would later be sent to Yaounde
where he worked in the ministry of Territorial
Administration. He served as D.O of Bangem for 3
years; D.O. of Akwaya for 3 years; D.O. of Muyuka for
4 years; and D.O. of the troubled region of Bakassi
for a year and a half, where his fateful life was
unfortunately and prematurely put to an abrupt end by
some of the so called barbaric pirates.

Photo: Fonya Felix Morfaw, with wife and sisters
(c) Forji Victor
Mr Fonya Felix Morfaw is survived by his wife, mrs
Fonya Odilia, 4 children (2 sons & 2 daugters). He
would also be mourned by his mom, brothers, sisters,
uncles, aunts, nieces, nephews, cousins, classmates,
friends, coworkers, and people of all works of life.
It should be recalled, Mr Fonya was the only D.O.
Lebialem Division had and only the second D.O. after
his late uncle, D.O Njuzy. He had earned the highest
ranking one could possibly get in Cameroon
administration as 'Administrateur Civil Principal'.
It is rather unfortunate that even with such attainment,
mr Fonya still had to be serving in the capacity as
D.O, where he eventually died in active service,
serving the country he so much loved, Cameroon. But
does the country love him back; will the country
remember his service, his patriotism, his siblings,
his children and wife he left behind? We hope they do
because so much depended upon him.
Our beloved brother, Mr Fonya Felix Morfaw invested so
much on people including his siblings and fellow
country men and that is why he would be so much missed
for ever.
We loved him, but God loved him most. My his soul
Forji Victor,
California- USA.
Que s’est-il passé à Bakassi ?
[courtesy: Le Messager, Cameroon---Ed. Webmaster, Ndungated]
L’incident de lundi dernier survient à moins de deux mois de l’échéance du 14 août prochain qui marque le retrait complet du Nigeria du territoire camerounais. Dans un communiqué signé hier, l’état major camerounais lève un pan de voile sur ce qui s’est réellement passé. On y apprend que l’embarcation dans laquelle le sous-préfet de Kombe Bedimo avait pris place avec huit autres personnes, dans le cadre d’une tournée dans sa zone de compétence, a été la cible d’une attaque de pirates alors qu’elle accostait dans une pêcherie dans la zone d’Akwa (voir communiqué). Sur l’identité des assaillants, les autorités camerounaises parlent « de pirates puissamment armés ».
Cette sortie officielle vient ainsi confirmer les informations déjà relayées par Le Messager dans son édition d’hier mardi. Concernant le bilan de cette attaque, le communiqué indique que sur les neuf personnes de l’embarcation camerounaise, trois sont portées disparues dont une grièvement blessée alors que les six autres parmi lesquelles le sous-préfet Fonya Félix Morfaw et un officiers supérieur, ont été amenées par les assaillants ainsi que qu’un important butin matériel composé de l’embarcation et des armes qui s’y trouvaient.
En réaction, indique le communiqué, « la zone a été bouclée et les éléments des forces camerounaises poursuivent les investigations sur le terrain » pour retrouver la trace des assaillants. Des sources militaires non officielles indiquent à cet effet que des renforts ont été immédiatement envoyés pour donner un coup de main au Commandement Delta. Notre confrère Le Jour parle du Bataillon spécial amphibie (Bsa) basé à Tiko et du 21e Bataillon des fusilliers marins (Bafumar) posté à Ekondo Titi. Cette information n’a pu être confirmée par nos sources de la 2e région militaire à Douala.
Cet incident, le troisième du genre, vient perturber l’accalmie observée depuis quelques temps dans la zone. Notamment avec la visite, le week-end dernier, du comité de coordination et de suivie des projets à réaliser à Bakassi. Coordonnée par Jacob Lekunze, l’envoyé spécial du Premier ministre, cette visite a permis aux autorités camerounaises de sillonner les différents coins et recoins de la localité à la recherche des projets viables.
L’incident, en tout cas, survient à une période charnière. Le 14 août prochain, la dernière partie de la péninsule de Bakassi, doit être rétrocédée au Cameroun. Il faut rappeler qu’en application des accords de Greentree le 12 juin 2006 aux Etats-Unis, le Nigeria a retiré, le 14 août 2006, ses troupes de la péninsule sauf dans cette partie de la zone d’Idabato. Le 14 août prochain est d’autant plus historique qu’elle marque le départ du dernier soldat nigérian du sol Camerounais, 13 ans après l’occupation de l’armée nigériane.
AFP Report on Discovered Bodies, one body still missing---DO?
Bodies of presumed kidnapping victims found in Cameroon
15 hours ago
YAOUNDE (AFP) — The bodies of five presumed kidnapping victims missing since Monday in the Cameroonian region of Bakassi were found riddled with bullets in a mangrove swamp, officials said on Saturday.
"The bodies are in such a state of decomposition that we have to wait for doctors to identify them," a representative from the Ministry for Defence told AFP, adding that autopsy results are expected Tuesday.
The sixth person missing out of the group -- which included Cameroonian soldiers and a deputy regional governor -- is presumed to also have been killed, authorities said.
"There is almost no doubt that the kidnapped subprefect is among them and that the sixth person whose body has not been found is also deceased," said the official.
The five mutilated bodies were found by the Cameroonian army Friday night buried among mangroves, the Defence Ministry said in a statement.
The deputy governor of Kombo Abedimo, Fonya Felix Morfaw [name corrected---Ed.Ndungated webmaster], and five soldiers were attacked and kidnapped June 9 on a boat travelling on the Akwa Yafe River in Bakassi, which borders with Nigeria.
The Cameroonian army's chief of staff on Tuesday interrogated heavily armed "pirates" who had opened fire on the vessel carrying the deputy governor and the soldiers, said the representative.
Three soldiers, one of whom was seriously injured, managed to escape in the attack by diving into the water.
On November 21 last year, Cameroonian soldiers were killed on the Bakassi peninsula, which juts into the Gulf of Guinea, in an attack by unidentified armed men.
Nigeria officially handed the peninsula to Cameroon in August 2006 after a territorial dispute that led to a series of bloody clashes between the west African neighbours in the 1990s.
Saturday, 14 June 2008
Bakassi: Cameroon Gov't Announces Discovery of Corpses Killed by Nigerian Terrorists, autoposy underway!
[Amin George Forji]
Incident de Bakassi : de novelles informations officielles.
Ces corps criblés de balles et mutilés, ont été récupérés dans la nuit du 13 au 14 juin 2008 par nos Forces de Défense et de Sécurité.
Le processus de leur identification par les médecins spécialisés est en cours.
Les noms des décédés et du disparu seront communiqués ultérieurement.
Général de Division René Claude MEKA,
Chef d’Etat-major des Armées.
Bakassi: Pictures of Cameroon Hero-DO Fonya Felix Morfaw
Bakassi DO Fonya Felix Morfaw, Cameroon's hero. Death, a blow to government
by Nkemzi Nzetengenle
The Ndungated Community,
Thursday June 12th, brother tearfully anounces DO Fonya's death, after investigations
This is probably one of the saddest emails that i ever wrote. My brother, the DO in the Bakassi area has now been confirmed dead, and many news outlets are reporting on it. The Nigeria pirates who kidnapped him and soldiers, killed on same day, and we may never even see his corpse.
As i go through this trying moment, i wish to extend my appreciative thanks to all who prayed and consoled with me, while things were still unclear.
I will be having a wake keeping on his behalf on Saturday 21st (in a week's time), at my place. Address will be communicated on a latter date (for those of you in Helsinki & environs).
God bless,
Amin George Forji
Prayer Request for DO Fonya Felix Morfaw, by brother, Amin George Forji
Hi Folks,
Those of you who are close to me may already know that my brother is the Divisional Officer for the Bakassi area. Last week, he was on duty in the area, when some militias from Nigeria surrounded his boat, killing most of the soldiers and staff on board. Initially, i was told yesterday night that he was amongst those killed, but the Cameroon government has now release a statement saying he and the chief commander were abducted to Nigeria, and the others were killed. His name is Fonya Felix, and he hails from Ndungated (Lebialem Division).
For security reasons, no updates would be posted on the Ndungated website, and it is our wish that no one publish any information related thereto on any website or blog, since it can be assessed by anyone, including the kidnappers. It will be safer to discuss only on this forum.
I am writing to request that you all join hands with me to pray for his safe and speedy release (if he is still alive). Remember that he was on a patriotic mission.
Thanks for your understanding,
Amin George Forji
Ange Ngu Thomas on DO Fonya's death
Is it time for president Paul Biya to recall Cameroon ’s High Commissioner in Nigeria in protest of the killing of Cameroonian officials there?
For the second time in eight months, we have lost another illustrious son of Lebialem in the name of Mr. Morfaw Felix Fonya . A couple of months ago, soldier Nkwetta Linus Tanyizi was also killed in Bakassi alongside other 20 Cameroonian soldiers defending their Fatherland. This time it is the brutal death of a man loved by all for his charms. I find it very difficult to refer to him in the past tense, but he was an aspiring governor in the making.
I am of the opinion that President Paul Biya should recall Cameroon ’s High Commissioner in Abuja and at the same time expel the Nigerian counterpart in Yaounde in protest of this horribly gruesome incident. We are told those responsible for these waves of terrorism are disgruntled militiamen from Nigeria ’s Cross River state bemoaning the `lost` of Bakassi to Cameroon .
The Nigerian authorities MUST rein in these heartless militiamen sooner than later if they have the will. Anything other than that will open up avenues for us to believe, as I strongly do, that these militias are armed,sustained and bankrolled by the authorities in Abuja . For now the Nigerian government is hiding behind claims that they do not know these militiamen.
Biya must act now because his direct representative dispatched by him to Bakassi has been killed in a chilling way that defies description. He must seized this opportunity to make it abundantly clear to Nigeria that enough is enough.One diplomatic way of doing this it to expell the Nigerian High Commissioner in Yaounde when this issue is still hot.I find the ministry of defence press statement officially announcing the death of our brother and co in Bakassi vage and one dimentional. Results of inquiries in Cameroon are never released.
This latest macabre event has placed questions marks over the kind of training Cameroonian soldiers get if at all they are trained. How can 21 soldiers all be killed in one swoop without any of them firing a single short? If the slained gendarmes who accompanied the D O were guarding him, how come that not even one of them opened fire in defense?
You only need to see them when they flex their muscles with their own civilians. I say this with experience. In 2004, I went to Bakassi as BBC Journalist to do some reports and interviews for the World Service and they (Cameroonian soldiers) arrested and torture me while I was only armed with my microphone and recorder. But when it comes to warding off external adversaries, they are no way near those called soldiers. I also discovered during the two days that I spent in Bakassi that over 80 per cent of both civilian and military personnel sent to work ithere are either Anglophones or those from outside the south and centre provinces. Only Biya and his cronies can explain this trend.
This ghoulish event touched me in a particular way, namely that Mr Fonya Felix sustained me in Yaounde when I missed out on the then student bursary fondly called “bourse” or “epssy”. Thanks to him I was able to feed in resto for three years. He also clued me when I was sitting for the Competitive Entrance Examination into the Journalism school, ASMAC . Soldier Nkwetta Linus Tanyizi, also fallen in Bakassi in November, was so closed to me. Besides the fact that he was from the same village as I, he was also my classmate in primary school.
Watch out for my Open Letter to President Paul Biya in The POST, The Herald and Le Messager captioned BEYOND THE BAKASSI MASSACRE.
Former BBC World Service correspondent.
Member,Exiled Journalists Nework,UK
Member, National Union of Journalits (NUJ),UK
Member, International Network of Young Journalist, Switzerland
Founding m'ber, Cameroon Commomwealth Journalists Association.
Prof. Tazoacha Asonganyi on DO Fonya's Death
Since then, I have been one of the Thomases, wanting to see the corpse before I believe. In spite of all the discussions on the net, I still was not convinced, until I got an official announcement today that "five" corpses of the six people that were missing have been found. Since I believe that the corpse of DO Fonya is either among the five or will be found soon, I am forced to join those who, without seeing the corpse had drawn firm conclusions about our DO’s death.
I attended the "send-off" in Yaounde that flagged our brother Fonya to his first posting following his graduation from ENAM, so I was one of those to whom he declared his determination to serve Cameroon to the best of his ability. After serving the state as economic adviser to Governors in the South West and East, and then as DO in places like Bangem and Akwaya, he was posted to Muyuka, a sub-division heavily populated by Lebialem people. Since this was prior to the 2002 Legislative/ Municipal twin elections, it was generally believed that he was transferred there to ensure that “his people” voted for the governing party, the CPDM. This was buttressed by the fact that the opposition SDF controlled most of Fako, including the Muyuka Council ( since 1996) and the parliamentary seat in Muyuka (since 1997); the Prime Minister from Fako was anxious to let the CPDM control all of the South West Province, especially Fako Division, probably to secure his job.
When the 2002 twin elections came to pass, history has it that Muyuka was the only Council in Fako won by the SDF. History also has it that after the elections, DO Fonya was thought within CPDM circles not to have done his "job" well.
A Lebialem elite is known to have boated openly after the twin elections that they succeed to take over Fako and Lebialem which were controlled by the SDF, except Muyuka where “there is a small boy as DO”; he promised that “they” would deal with him!
When DO Fonya was later transferred to Bakassi, a war front, following the 2004 Presidential election, I believed strongly that this was "their" way of "dealing with him". DO Fonya has finally "fallen" at the war front! In other words, the wish of those who wanted to "deal with him" has been fulfilled.
Historically, the state has always been a neutral arbiter and facilitator of activities of society. Being the Lebialem man he was, and the representative of the state in Muyuka, he handled his job with seriousness, integrity, due respect for the wishes of the people he served, respect for the voice of his conscience and patriotism. The timing and manner of his death today cause all of us a lot of pain. This great pain and the burden he leaves behind can only be lightened with the knowledge that his death is a great lesson for us as individuals, Lebialem elites and as the state of Cameroon he served so gallantly.
As individuals, we should learn the lesson of dedication, integrity, the power of conscience and patriotism.
As Lebialem elites, we should integrate in our mindset the inevitable force of pluralism in human society and understand that strength comes not from selfishness, hatred, blackmail and punishment by containment or demotion but through togetherness, love, protection and encouragement by promotion. It does not speak well for Lebialem that is most unrepresented in the administration of Cameroon to have had a son like DO Fonya working for over a dozen years at the same level of DO...
The lesson for Cameroon is that she needs to review its policies in Bakassi and stop taking many things for granted; that a war zone is a war zone, with or without court decisions; and that the management of conflict there should be strictly in respect of the terms of the Greentree Accord, without extending the gross violation of human rights that is normal currency in Cameroon to the over 80% of the Nigerians that live in that territory of Cameroon, at the risk of compromising the peace process and inviting back our adversaries. ..
Our brother DO Fonya is no more! We can only pray for his soul to rest in perfect peace, and for him to intercede not only for those who loved him, but also for those who acted like foes. We pray the Lord Almighty to assuage the feelings of his dear wife, children and his entire family by letting them understand that it his His will that has been done.
Goodbye brother!!
Tazoacha Asonganyi
Bakassi, DO Fonya Felix Morfaw & 6 soldiers Killed by Nigerian Terrorists
Another Attack On Bakassi: Govt Seeks AU Intervention | |
By Elias Ntungwe Ngalame, Richard Nde and Innocent Timbong | |
Wednesday, 11 June 2008 | |
Top level security heads and members of government including the vice prime minister in charge of justice who is also head of the Cameroon delegation in the Nigeria-Cameroon joint commission on the Bakassi issue were present. Though the meeting was held behind closed doors, Eden gathered from reliable sources in the ministry of external relations that the high level diplomatic meeting was among other things in respect to the Monday attacks and the killing of Cameroonian soldiers and the abduction of the DO of Kumbo Abedimo, Felix Morfaw Fonya Some nine Cameroonian soldiers and the sub-prefect of Kumbo Abedimo are said to have been taken hostage while on patrol on the Akwayafe estuary in Akwa, headquarters of Kumbo Abedimo. The Cameroonian delegation our source said went on an urgent patrol after a tip off of a possible arms trafficking in the area. Though their assailants are not yet known, it is alleged that the attackers were well organised, not different from a military operation. The Cameroonian military Etat Major has since been put on the alert and reinforcement of the delta command operation effected. Other elements discussed at the high-level diplomatic meeting include the socio-political situation in Cameroon after the February social crises, international food crisis situation and possible solutions, economic partnership accord between ACP and European Union and their influence on Sub- regional integration in the CEMAC Zone. Security in the Sub – region and other conflicts that impede development, Cameroon and African Union, immigration and brain drain as well as the putting in place of AFRICOM were also on the agenda. It comes at a time when the government has been vocal about peace in the region and development projects that have been supported by the European Union. The shooting came seven months after gunmen killed about 21 and wounded six Cameroonian soldiers last November and made away with arms and ammunitions. The Nigerian government said its forces were not involved in the incident and offered to cooperate with investigations. The Cameroon government set up a commission of enquiry whose report has not been published. A Nigerian former local government chairman from Bakassi, Emmanuel Etene, is quoted to have said women and children were fleeing the area because they feared reprisal attacks. But some residents have said they do not want to give up being Nigerian. |
Friday, 28 March 2008
Hon Ategwa's Burial Programme
Ndungated Webmaster
It is often said that there is a time to live and a time to die but we will always have liked this statement to be the reversed when some very special to people passes away. Yes one such very special Lebialem figure of our time is HRH Hon. Chief Forteh Ategwa John. He remains the pillar of Lebialem education. Most who are proud to be in very high positions today were inspired by him.
Who was Honourable Chief Forteh
Hon. Chief Forteh was the most influential Ndungatet man that has ever existed. He was the pioneer principal of Grammar School Fontem. A story is told how he went round begging the indigents of the then Fontem Subdivision to send their children home for school when he took office as the principal. Remember at that time very few parents could afford to send their children in Seat of Wisdom. He convinced certain parents against their will to send their children to school. The results was that many children left the coffee and cocoa farms and got admitted into Grammar School Fontem. Some were admitted without first School and many are well placed today. For this reason he is widely considered as a pillar for education in Lebialem Division.
After leaving G.S.S Fontem, he worked in Dschang for many years. In 1988, he opened a lay private college in Ndungatet village called
In 1992 he won the lone parliamentary seat for Lebialem division into the prestigious Cameroon House of assembly under the ticket of UNDP. During his five year term of office, he fought for the creation of Lebialem division as well as many primary and secondary colleges in Lebialem division just to mention a few though amidst critic form some quarter a reflection of human altitudes.
In 1997 he lose his parliamentary seat and was immediately appointed assistant director of small and medium size enterprises at the ministry of Commercial and industrial development. Due to his hard work, in 1999, he was appointed director of commerce in the same ministry where he served until 2004 when he retired and took up permanent residence in this chiefdom at Njah Ndungatet Fondom.
In 2005, following the disappearance of the Fon of Ndungatet, he was made chairman of the regency council until 25th February 2006 when the New Fon was enthroned. This was another great achievement for him and the entire village.
In 1996, he wrote a book on the history of Ndungatet, as an effort to preserve our rich history to the younger generations.
Hon. Chief Forteh until his death remained the most influential Ndungatet elite. A story is told of how the entire village came out and lined the streets from `mami water` till three corners to receive him when he was returning from abroad in the mid eighties. Such an honoured has never been accorded any Ndungatet elite in particular and Nweh in general except politically motivated.
Amongst the chiefs, he was very influential and contributed positively to certain decisions for the progress and development of the village.
Many will believe that as a human being, he had his short comings. Indeed he had them just like any human being but his achievements surpass and this made him an inspiration power house of our community.
After a job well done, it was time for him to enjoy his retirement and to take stock of his achievements; he was taken up by illness which finally ended his journey on earth.
Hon. Chief Forteh leaves behind his wife (senior educationist and church leader) with whom he had three children (two boys and girl) who all living abroad.
The entire Ndungatet community will live to remember him.
May his soul rest in peace!!